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Monday, February 28, 2011

Just a Heads Up...

The price of one pint of organic grape tomatoes has increased a dollar in the past week, going from $3.48 to $4.48; and PBS reported this morning that gasoline in New York has jumped to $4.21 per gallon. 

Got heirloom seeds?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Greatest Revolution

At no time in history has revolution spread with such speed as now with the assistance of information technology.  Once limited by such things as a nail, as in Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses to the door of a Catholic Church, or by lamplight in a tower, as in the mythical ride of one Mr. Paul Revere, revolutionary communication is now instantaneously transmitted to millions with the touch of a single button on a cell phone.  

The revolution, this revolution,  is being fought via the Internet, and the truth is that it will not be won based upon the power of an ideology, but by the side that controls information.   Ineffective, outdated and corrupt political systems are setting up battle lines by shutting down social networking web sites and tagging words or phrases that automatically shut off Internet transmission and response.  At the same time, people are finding their way around those barriers without much trouble at all.       

How ironic Einstein’s words “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."  And he was only off by one World War.  Indeed, this world revolution IS being fought with sticks and stones, the physical weapons of the people, but infinitely more dangerous and effective are the “tweets” and governmental Internet shut downs. 

The events in the Middle East and North Africa are not mere protests; they are a singular, revolutionary uprising.  And now, thanks to Twitter, the entire world has a front row seat.  In the end, what comes of The Greatest Revolution will be an eye opener for all of us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oil Shock

Oil Shock in America.  What will it look like?  We've seen it play out several times in the past 50 years, but we've seen nothing like what is coming our way.  Take a listen...

Visit again soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011

LDS Canneries

Latter Day Saints Cannery Information

There may be conditions associated with using a cannery.  Some canneries have open door policies, while others may require a church member escort.  Call your local cannery for their specific requirements.  Also, it may take time for your call to be returned, so have patience.  Generally these facilities are open only a couple of days per week.

If you do choose to contact a cannery, please remember that these are gracious, Mormon families simply doing good works.  Be kind and respectful at all times.

I believe all of these numbers are current and active.  If you discover differently, please email me so that I can alter the list.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Process and the Peak

You know, the world is in a crazy mess, and for the longest time I tried to understand it simply by assigning blame.  As long as what was wrong was someone else’s fault, it was their mess to clean up, and I didn’t have to assume any responsibility for it.  At the same time, it was a perfect excuse not to have to spend any additional time trying to figure out what was really going on either.  That didn’t work for long, however.  Every entity, person, group of people, or institution that I pointed a finger at ended up being quite incapable of the godlike feats it would take to generate this mind boggling, systemic insanity.  No one is that big.  And, even though there are just over 7 billion players reacting to the mess by trying to fix it, profit from it, or run away from it, (and the literally uncounted millions just trying to survive it), no one is entirely responsible for having created it. 

There are plenty of places to lay blame, though, and aside from those typically associated with economics and politics, the big favorites are any group or individual that is considered corrupt, greedy, oppressive, tyrannical, apathetic, ignorant, arrogant or stupid.  Personally, I believe that it has more to do with individual addiction and denial, and that just beneath the addiction and denial is a catalyst so immense, and so misunderstood, that even though very few fully understand its ramifications, I’d bet you a copper penny, almost everyone has heard about it:  Peak Oil. 

Heirloom Seeds

I do not endorse any of the companies listed here, but have purchased seed from a few.  In any case, it should start you on your search.  Good luck!

Amishland Heirloom Seeds:
Sustainable Seed Co.:
El Dorado Heirloom Seeds:

Just Another Word on Egypt…

I wonder if the Egyptian people actually expected the complete dissolution of their government and the establishment of military rule when they took to the streets.  Think they’re still hungry and unemployed?  You bet ya. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Empty Stomachs, NOT the Desire for “Democratic Rule,” Drive Revolutions

Empty stomachs drive revolutions, and that’s the hard, fast and sad truth of it.  People will tolerate oppressive governments, natural disasters, wars, and disease, AS LONG AS THEY HAVE FOOD AND A REASONABLE MEANS OF PROCURING IT.  Once prices rise so high people can’t afford to purchase food, or when foodstuffs are scarce, or simply aren’t available anymore, look out - the sticks, stones, pipes, knives and guns are brought out en masse, and long-standing governments are toppled overnight.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2010 Recap...

Hello, everyone:

Here’s a quick recap of 2010.  I’ve not kept notes on every single event, only those few that shook my awareness.  Here are the headlines that took my attention away from what matters…