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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Avian Flu Updates

Even though I try to post daily updates for the spread of H5N1 on the "Animal Death and Disease Log for 2012," I want to provide this link so that you can check the progression of the disease yourself.  H5N1 and all its variants are horribly insidious.  (Click on the title for the link.) 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Next Bump in the Bumpy Plateau

I have never believed that a sudden, all encompassing, and acute “collapse” would occur on a global basis after the world reached global peak oil.  I do believe, however, in the inevitable decline of functioning economies that present in fits and starts in reaction to having passed peak oil.  What looks like credit, housing, unemployment, hunger, and governing crises, are in reality the world’s attempts to reset to the restrictions placed upon it by the continuous reduction of cheap energy.     

White Nose Syndrome

Just a quick update... 

White nose syndrome, responsible for the death of over over 5.5 million bats has been found and confirmed in Maryland. 

The two biological desasters that will absolutely permanently reduce food production in this country are the loss of our bee population and the lost of our bat population.  White nose syndrome is forcing the slow extinction of the latter with cutting-edge precision. 

Watch this one closely.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life WILL Find a Way… Stowaway Seeds Making their Way to the Antarctic

I have often wondered how a world grappling with Global Warming could survive the death of species that have lived in various climates that are changing so rapidly, they don’t have the opportunity to adapt or “migrate” to warmer or cooler climates suited to their survival. 

Well, now I know.