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Friday, March 16, 2012

The Next Bump in the Bumpy Plateau

I have never believed that a sudden, all encompassing, and acute “collapse” would occur on a global basis after the world reached global peak oil.  I do believe, however, in the inevitable decline of functioning economies that present in fits and starts in reaction to having passed peak oil.  What looks like credit, housing, unemployment, hunger, and governing crises, are in reality the world’s attempts to reset to the restrictions placed upon it by the continuous reduction of cheap energy.     

The world reached global peak oil in 2007, or possibly 2008.  As a result, a global recession followed that, in many ways, is still ripping apart countries and communities around the world.  Sadly, we’ve blamed banks, governments, and corporations (the 1%) for having caused the carnage.  In reality, it was the sudden dip in the oil supply and the resulting increase in oil and gasoline prices that drove the recession.  Since 2008, the world has been attempting to “reset” itself to the reduction in available, cheap energy and has taken extraordinary measures to try to avert total collapse.  

Now, in the United States at least, we are seeing signs that the recession may be over and our fears are being eased.  But hold on boys and girls… The affects of peak oil will NEVER go away, EVER. 

Now we are preparing to go to “oil” war with Iran, just as we have with Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, just to name a few.  The EU’s threat to boycott Iran’s oil will do no harm to Iran.  Iran will simply sell to new buyers and there are plenty waiting in the wings.  Unfortunately, what this means is another sudden shift in supply and demand.  Since supply is already in slow but measurable decline, and demand is still on a steep incline, this next bump in the bumpy plateau will be a whopper.  If you think the world has reacted chaotically to the current recession, just wait for the next one!  It will be deeper, longer and more devastating than the one we are creeping our way out of now.  But, here’s the good news, it surely won’t be nearly as bad as the next recession… if the world allows the next one.   

Trying to put a cap on explosive reactions to peak oil, the new leaders, the new world leaders – who have never been elected – are dictating to what once were sovereign nations, forcing austerity, and forcing fascism.  While the world’s population points fingers and cries, “foul,” we have failed to realize that there never will be fairness in the new game.  No one will get their fair share anymore, and people will fight to the death not to be forced to let that “fair share” vision go.  Oil wars, civil wars, and revolutions are the new vision, and even though we fight, in the end we will have no choice but to submit to the new paradigm.  The bumpy plateau is decisive and cannot be reasoned with.

So, how do we survive this?  Through EXPECTATIONS and ADAPTATIONS!  Expect fascism.  Expect hunger and starvation.  Expect the end of high standards of living.  Expect massive unemployment.  Expect struggling governments to engage in continuous oil wars.  Expect that if you wish to survive the massive changes, YOU MUST ADAPT.  Of most importance, expect that those around you that have not prepared themselves for the paradigm shift mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, will follow the way of the world into chaos, and expect that chaos to grow and make its way right up to your own front door. 

This is the way life will go from here on out.  As a world dependent upon oil for transportation, trade, manufacturing, and food production (among other things) stretches itself thinner and thinner, it’s going to begin to look just like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Wars… famine… plague… death…  But take heart!  We can tease out our own recoveries by living more self reliantly by taking responsibility for ourselves and understanding that government cannot and will not take care of us.

Prepare by putting in a garden and learning to preserve food.  Find out where water sources are around you and install a water harvesting system.  Develop close relationships with neighbors and friends.  Most importantly, learn how to deal with the emotional Armageddon that will inevitably find its way to your own front door. And finally, decrease fear through knowledge.  Listen, discuss, study, examine and understand all the obstacles you and your family are facing.  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.  And that power is as close to you as your computer, bookstore and library. 

 Although it is very difficult to grasp, never, ever let yourself believe that people – ANY PEOPLE – are devils here.  It’s very easy to demonize the 1% without ever realizing that every one of us have contributed to the chaos the world finds itself in today.  If you have eaten, driven, wasted water, thrown away plastic or glass, ate too much, flown in an airplane, worn clothing, turned on a light, watched television or used a cell phone – YOU
ARE GUILTY, just as I am.  Try not to assign blame.  I guarantee it will come back to haunt you in the end. People are not the enemy.  If you believe they are, do everything in your power to forgive them so that we can start to solve the problems at hand and not waste energy on things that can never be changed. 

Think about it.

Until next time…   For our families, our neighbors, our friends and our communities… PRESERVATION. 

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