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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease

Current outbreaks include:  Vietnam, North Korea, South Korea, Bulgaria, China, and in Kwa-Zulu Natal  (Western Coast of Africa) to one degree or another.

Efforts Made to Contain Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Viet Nam News, March 31, 2011

China's Xinjiang Reports Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak in Pigs
The Straits Times, March 31, 2011

Bulgaria to Build a Fence along Turkish Border – Official
The Sophia Echo, March 31, 2011

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Taking Toll in Koreas
JAVMA News, March 30, 2011

Crime Blamed for Outbreak
The New Age, March 31, 2011
Kwa-Zulu Natal  (Western Coast of Africa)

Bulgarian Farmers Rebel Against FMD Culling Plans
The Sofia Echo, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

World War III - The Players

The European Union (EU)

An economic and political union with 27 member states

News Updates for March 29, 2011

Egypt is still Mubarakstan

More than two months after the start of the popular uprising that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians are increasingly fearful that although he is gone, his regime is still alive and kicking., March 29, 201

Kenya:  Seed Company Warns Against Hoarding

The Kenya Seed Company has warned stockists and suppliers not to hoard or export seeds meant for local farmers. This follows complaints of a shortage of seeds and reports that some suppliers are exporting them., March 28,2011

Kikwete Shows Way to Fight Urban Poverty

Directs food reserve agency to release stocks into markets to cut high prices:
President Jakaya Kikwete has directed the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) to strategically intervene in grain markets in a bid to lower skyrocketing prices and assist the urban poor., March 29, 2011

China's Grain Imports Volume Hits Record High

The volume of China's grain imports, including soybeans and corn, exceeded 60 million tons in 2010, hitting a record high, said Chen Xiwen, deputy director of the Office of Central Financial Work Leading Group and director of the Office of Central Rural Work Leading Group, recently.

People's Daily Online, March 29, 2011

Rising Corn Acreage Failing to Meet U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use
U.S. corn planting will expand to cover the second-largest area since World War II this year and still fail to meet demand for feed and ethanol, driving prices to their highest in at least 34 years.

Bloomberg, March 29, 2011

Feeding Our Enemies

Food aid does not reward North Korea’s bad behavior:
When the U.N. issues a report stating six million people are in need of international food aid, the U.S. is usually game for helping out. But when those six million people live in North Korea, the U.S. government sensibly takes a moment to think through the probable political implications., March 29, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

News Updates March 25, 2011

Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2011
U.N.:  North Korea Faces Critical Food Shortage
SEOUL—North Korea's government food distribution system will run dry in May and put one-quarter of the country's 24 million residents at risk of starvation, the U.N. World Food Program said in an assessment that may influence whether the U.S. and other countries provide assistance to the country

BBC, March 24, 2011
Pakistan "Crop Shortage" Warning
Lowering wheat prices would create food shortages in Pakistan and encourage smuggling, officials say, responding to criticism from the UN.
On Wednesday the UN's food relief agency said the government set prices too high and malnutrition was rising.

AdisorOne, March 24, 2011
World Food Shortage Risk Inspires of Crop  ETF
With the risk of global food shortages growing by the day, commodities investors in the exchange traded fund (ETF) market are looking to sink their teeth into what they see as growing agribusiness opportunities.''

Japanese Jittery Over Shortages, Food Safety
 Residents in Tokyo and other major Japanese cities scrambled to find bottled water and basic foodstuffs Thursday amid changing reports about tap water and produce tainted by radiation from the country's crippled nuclear reactors.

Nunatsaiz Online, March 24, 2011
Despite subsidies, Arctic Food Costs Poised to Rise, Oil prices, bad weather, global demand could negate Nutrition North
Officials with the North West Co. have said they expect to see prices on foods covered by Nutrition North Canada drop five to seven per cent when the program kicks in April 1.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

News Update March 23, 2011

March 22, 2011
Malians Tune In For Food Security News
BAMAKO, Mali (AlertNet) - Television viewers across Mali can now get the latest news on which parts of the West African country face a risk of food shortages and malnutrition.

Voice of America
March 22, 2011
UN Reports Shortages of Food, Other Essentials in Libya
United Nations aid agencies report food and other essential supplies are running out in Libya.  They say it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide humanitarian assistance to thousands of internally displaced people as the war in the country heats up.

March 23, 2011
Thailand Planning Fewer Rice Harvests in Pest Fight Means Drop in Exports
Thailand world’s largest rice exporter, plans to reduce planting to curb pests and improve quality, an official from the Thai Rice Mills Association said.
The government’s plan may eventually reduce exports by about 2 million metric tons a year, Pramote Vanichanont, honorary president of the Bangkok-based association, said in an interview, without giving a timeframe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

U.S. Drought Conditions and Water Harvesting

Since a good chunk of the Sun Belt is currently experiencing droughts to one degree or another, and since the drought in Texas is considered extreme, I’m adding these links so that you can check your specific areas, and find out more about water harvesting.  

USDA Office of the Chief Economist
Weather and Climate Publications

Drought Monitor

U.S. Department of Energy, Best Management Practice:  Alternate Water Sources,

How to Build a Rainwater Collection System:

Rainwater Calculator: 

Rain Harvester using 55 gallon barrels: 

News Update for March 15, 2011

Global Food Shortages
The Wall Street Journal
March 7, 2011
U.S. Farmers Head Into Key Stretch for Harvests
The world is consuming grains faster than farmers are growing them, draining reserves and pushing prices to the levels that fueled food riots in poor countries three years ago.

March 15, 2011
Analysis:  Record food prices to spur planting, investment
Farmers will sow more acres and pour more funds into agriculture this year to boost yields across the top producer nations as record high food prices jolt markets and send buyers scurrying for supplies.

Channel News Asia
March 14, 2011
Government price controls and hoarding impact Thailand food shortages
Thailand faces shortages of staples as the global cost of food skyrockets; the country faces shortages of cooking oil and sugar due to government price controls and hoarding.
March 15, 2011
Uganda:  NGO urges farmers to plant drought-resistant crops
Ugandans have been urged to plant drought-resistant crops in a bid to safeguard the country against the impending food shortages due to the prolonged dry spells

Voice of America
March 15, 2011
Zimbabwe not prepared for looming drought
State officials said Monday that Zimbabwe will have to appeal for international assistance to feed the needy since its 2011 national budget does not have a provision for food handouts.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Declaration of Independence - 2.0

After reading the Declaration of Independence in Grade School, a certain section of the document stuck in my head for some reason, and has managed to stay with me even to this day.  Let me share that portion with you now…

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

These words carry a bold and amazingly dangerous truth, and although we believe that it speaks to the tyranny of oppressive and corrupt political systems, it is actually true of any form of power or assumed authority that dictates some act or action over the will of the individual, the group or the people without their informed consent.   

For example, for the last 30 years I’ve watched as an anti-smoking campaign took over America one state at a time quite subtlety, and under the façade of “fatherly” admonishment and gentle, loving correction.  The powers that be, had advertised the need to eliminate the filthy habits of “evil smokers” and that by restricting, regulating and eliminating this “sinful behavior” all would benefit, smokers and non-smokers alike.  Of course, the biggest selling point was that it would save the lives of countless thousands of innocents - the children. 

It was, and is still, a brilliant, slick Madison Avenue campaign that garnered the support of all “good people” alike.  After all, who in their right mind would ever say “Let the children die of second hand smoke?????” Sadly, this exercise in fatherly admonition was and is so effective and so profoundly alluring that the exact same formula has been used on many, many occasions, and applied by way of accusation to any number of additional “sinful behaviors” attributed to the people.  I think the most astonishing aspect of this slick process of accusation of sinfulness is the frenzied and adamant belief by most people that we, the people, are actually the authors of this pronounced “goodness.”  We actually believe that it was birthed from our own thoughts and as a result of our own unique ideals rather than it having been placed there through manipulated suggestion.  And believe me, I’m not pointing fingers here – I am just as guilty as the next guy in promoting this form of manufactured “goodness.”   

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Passion of Terms

So often I’m told that not only is Peak Oil a myth, its only true function is to fuel debate and controversy during political discussion or to encourage heated exchange at the dinner table.  How many times, I wonder, have people come to blows over the term “peak oil,” and how many of those people were ready to defend it or oppose it to the death?  Extremes aside, it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever what anyone calls what is happening in the world today.  Call it woddle doddle if you’d like.  Let’s just make sure we are all talking about the same thing.

For me, saying “peak oil” is a simple way to describe a systemic failure without having to micro-analyze every aspect of the failure itself.  Faltering economies, banking systems, and currencies, along with food shortages, an exploding population, water shortages, poverty, and starvation are all a part of a larger picture – which needs to be called something.  But what?  

I suppose where my confusion comes in, is that I don’t find it difficult at all to give cheap oil credit for all of the wonderful accomplishments we’ve made in science, medicine, and technology, or for the incredible rise in our standard of living – and believe me, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.  But, what I don't understand why is it so hard to recognize that what brought us up this ladder is also just as capable of pushing us down the other side?

In any case, I’m open for suggestions.  What would YOU call it?