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Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Declaration of Independence - 2.0

After reading the Declaration of Independence in Grade School, a certain section of the document stuck in my head for some reason, and has managed to stay with me even to this day.  Let me share that portion with you now…

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

These words carry a bold and amazingly dangerous truth, and although we believe that it speaks to the tyranny of oppressive and corrupt political systems, it is actually true of any form of power or assumed authority that dictates some act or action over the will of the individual, the group or the people without their informed consent.   

For example, for the last 30 years I’ve watched as an anti-smoking campaign took over America one state at a time quite subtlety, and under the façade of “fatherly” admonishment and gentle, loving correction.  The powers that be, had advertised the need to eliminate the filthy habits of “evil smokers” and that by restricting, regulating and eliminating this “sinful behavior” all would benefit, smokers and non-smokers alike.  Of course, the biggest selling point was that it would save the lives of countless thousands of innocents - the children. 

It was, and is still, a brilliant, slick Madison Avenue campaign that garnered the support of all “good people” alike.  After all, who in their right mind would ever say “Let the children die of second hand smoke?????” Sadly, this exercise in fatherly admonition was and is so effective and so profoundly alluring that the exact same formula has been used on many, many occasions, and applied by way of accusation to any number of additional “sinful behaviors” attributed to the people.  I think the most astonishing aspect of this slick process of accusation of sinfulness is the frenzied and adamant belief by most people that we, the people, are actually the authors of this pronounced “goodness.”  We actually believe that it was birthed from our own thoughts and as a result of our own unique ideals rather than it having been placed there through manipulated suggestion.  And believe me, I’m not pointing fingers here – I am just as guilty as the next guy in promoting this form of manufactured “goodness.”   

The Progression of Oppression by Example
Eliminating the Sinful Behavior of Smokers
How it Evolved

First:                 Banning smoking in all grocery stores
Second:            Banning Smoking in certain sections in restaurants
Third:               Banning smoking in all sections in restaurants
Fourth:             Banning smoking in certain sections of bars
Fifth:                 Banning smoking in all sections of bars
Sixth:                Banning smoking within 100 yards of school property (which by the way ends up in the middle of many of the homes surrounding schools)
Seventh:            Banning smoking in sections of Government buildings
Ninth:               Banning smoking in Government buildings
Tenth:               Banning smoking within 100 yards of Government property
Eleventh:             Banning smoking in all public places
Twelfth:              Banning smoking in private automobiles (Expected soon)
Thirteenth:              Banning smoking in private homes (Unsuccessfully attempted, but also expected)

The rightness or wrongness of smoking aside, this exercise in the manipulation of “sinful behaviors” has proven to be an effective trial run at quashing individual liberty and has also demonstrated the ease by which populations can be coerced and controlled by Daddy Government and Mommy Corporation.  AND IT WORKS! 

But I have to ask; doesn’t this progression of oppression look slightly familiar?  Do you remember when you could get onto an airplane with just a ticket?  Then, one day you had to move through metal detectors, and then remove your shoes.  After that, you had to throw out any open or suspicious containers, and it has now progressed to the point that we are now subject to full body scans?  This didn’t happen overnight.  In fact, it took better than 10 years to get here.  And why?  Because we must be protected from the “sinful behaviors” of terrorists, or to put more accurately, the multimillion-dollar airplanes must be protected.  You, I’m sorry to say, aren’t worth the buck eighty-five you have in your pocket.    

Remember when you could walk into a government building without having to prove innocence, or get a driver’s license without having to prove legitimacy?  When was the last time you walked out of a large food warehouse and did NOT have to show your receipt before you were allowed to exit, or have an alarm go off that “accused” you of theft?  Remember when a cop on the beat, WAS a cop on the beat and not a video camera in an intersection?  All of this took years to develop.  It didn’t all just happen last night or last week. 

The days of Daddy Government and Mommy Corporation are coming to an end, however, and rather quickly at that.  Theirs is a power so vast and weighty, that it has no other option other than to collapse in onto itself.  Since this monster was built entirely upon abundant, cheap oil, it will be expensive, rare oil that brings it down.  We just have to try not to be underneath of it when it falls.

We are, all of us, each of us, much, much more than walking, talking billboards or sound bites regurgitating newspeak.  We are incredibly valuable, individual human beings, with hearts and minds of immeasurable worth, and capable of so much love and care we can’t even begin to speak of it.  But somehow we have forgotten this and are in need of a reminder.  We are in the process of learning that lesson right at this very moment.  And even though it is a tough lesson to learn, filled with pain, hardship, hunger and loss, the liberty that comes of it will be of such enormity, and such wonder, we will walk in the amazement of it for a very, very long time.    

Where is all of this taking me, you ask.  Well, I guess I should stop wasting everyone’s time and get right to the point…

All of this talk sounds rather revolutionary, doesn’t it?  Well, it isn’t.  It is evolutionary.  It’s about doing what you can right now, to start to take back your humanity and your liberty.  If you want the continued violation of humanity to end, stop buying from Mother Corporation.  Want liberty?  Shut off the television.  Want a truly free market?  Purchase foods and goods grown and manufactured by your local mom and pop businesses, or start a home-based business that your community will need to survive and thrive.  Want freedom? Stop voting.  Above all else, stop listening to the lies of Madison Avenue and start listening to your gut.  It really is just that simple.  

Remember, revolution is evolution – NOT violence.  Think about it.

Until next time, for our families, our neighbors, our friends and our communities… preservation.

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